Thursday, 3 September 2015

Kaafiya - The Poetry Festival: How 'Kaafiya' Came To Be

Kaafiya - The Poetry Festival: How 'Kaafiya' Came To Be: As we embark on the journey to make Kaafiya come alive as the grand dream we are all dreaming together, it is apt to hear from the Founde...

Friday, 17 July 2015

The moon is sitting on the branch of a tree
Dangling his legs into the sea, and
The night, hand-picks diamonds to embellish her wings...

© Neha R Krishna

Friday, 12 June 2015

मुझे उन चार दीवारों का रंग याद नहीं 
जीन चार दीवारों का रंग आज़ाद नहीं...

© Neha R Krishna

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Like a delicate flower she wears red color smile, 
And velvety soft gestures 
Her wavy hair, like a black horse drilling the air, to paint fire.

In a pellucid jar of time, she poured red wine and dropped in two cubes of sugar, 
Stirring it with a silver spoon, she looked for some ice.

Audacity is the only jewel that blinks on her finger,
The sea choreographed her moves, and she took birth from fire.

When the sky saw her, it bent down to kiss her satiny smooth smile.
The satanic ocean is also thirsty looking at her serene cosmic soul.

SHE cherishes her womanhood with audacity...  

© Neha R Krishna

Sunday, 18 January 2015

"Just You"

The graceful good stars belong to none, 
The moon is too drunk to ring the morning bell;

The sun, 
floating in the pool of wine 
tasting the sparkling golden liquid 
distilling the high spirited aura.

The frozen rocks floating like diamonds, 
Old scotch whisky blending the ageing night in a pellucid glass    The tasteless crystals channeling the eyes with a blur image of sigh

The moment of lazy kisses yawns, when 
my heart skips and hops every alternate beat
When the lyrics of your heart hold my breath,   
The royal love is then crowned with fire.

Is that your words, smelling like roasted beans of caffeine, hmm?

The humming breath fly high with every whisper
you decorate in my ears.
Brewing the scent of my blood, my senses tucked me in the echo of your words 
like meditating, with every sip of tequila. 

The loops of naughty thoughts injecting cocaine into my sensory neuron 
My vision reflects your image, and I,
I breathe you, umm... Just you...

© Neha R Krishna