Tuesday, 23 December 2014

I Breathe, I Bleed...

The tale of woe continued, the colour of my blood is pain 
Unshared, dejected.

A piece of sorrow hemmed in, in my throat, choking my smile

Regardless, I bear

Even the tears are afraid to retire
Will be left with nothing, then, 
Stealing some saline crystals 
To erase the black smile, hidden beneath my skin, 
The spelling of 'smile', I don't remember

I don't smile anymore...

© Neha R Krishna
Ah! I want to kiss your grey smile 
Your eyes flare my sight 
Painting my soul with your words

Umm! You make me hungry in each of our conversations...

© Neha R Krishna
My biggest fear is seclusion
Bloody silence when shines on me
My trembling voice betrays me from within 
Cannot purdah my isolation 
Shackled in pain, I

I cannot share my tears...

© Neha R Krishna

Love Carnival

Your voice is so tempting, it reminds me of, the liquid chocolate catering and swirling my taste buds 
And the chocolate, that melts in, to the euphoric core

The dark chocolate like tone when teases me, 
My soul dramatically excites for a roller coaster ride.

Is the night young or it's the sun, imitating the white kiss?
Is it the day sun playing with the lustrous rays or it's the moon, imitating the yellow fun?
My senses are tripping ecstasy

What is my name, I remember not

Please... Whisper it out loud, the texture of my name is so smooth and velvety, when you celebrate it.

© Neha R Krishna